Category Archives: Uncategorized

Coyote Status Update

I said I was going to start a blog again and after several years I finally did it, but I have also done what I expected would happen and haven’t posted anything to it. I suppose that is the most likely outcome of this endeavour. There isn’t really a “goal” for this. It’s there for me to write my thoughts if I feel social media isn’t suitable (in fairness it never is) or if a private journal isn’t quite what I’m looking for, either.

I don’t feel like posting about politics here. It’s probably inevitable at some point. Just look at what’s going on in Canada and the US, and in other parts of the world. Not that I am paying a lot of attention to news outside North America right now. There’s enough going on just here to fuel my anxiety for a decade. But that isn’t the point of this blog.

The point is for me to post what I want, when I want.

I used to write more theology things. But I don’t have much interest in that lately. I read theology still. But that isn’t something I want to write on as much. My interests have moved on to how to live it, not writing about it.

Besides I am not qualified to write on it.

But there will still be thoughts and ravings of a gay Christian coyote.